The Museum of British Surfing has asked me to make a board for them that commemorates that day, so here is a picture of the first coat of oil on the board. I used an actual photograph of the Prince riding a wave in Waikiki, and with some computer art tools, placed him on a very nice Queen's surf grinder!
I tried to make it exciting for his highness to let him be on his own "Wave of the Day!". The client plans to use this board in some of its events at the beach, letting the people try their luck at historical surfing first hand. I hope that Prince William will get a chance to ride it too, wouldn't that be so cool?
This surfboard I made is on permanent display in the Museum of British Surfing in England.
You can visit the museums facebook page here:
I am so proud to help continue to spread Hawaii's Aloha the way Duke did, in making surfboards and letting people ride them.